09/04/2014 10:21, sgrìobh Rene Engelhard:
Ignoring the fact (or having no knowledge of the obvious, even stated by themselves) that Ubuntu is based on Debian doesn't help in either case, either. Especially as Bjoern said they "just" hip what we (== Debian) ship.
Many localizers are a bit like Sid the Sloth... "we see a po file, we translate it". It's one of the greatest fallacies of open source localization projects that translator = localizer = developer. Most 'just want to translate into their language' to get a certain program in their language.

All these things may be obvious to developers who have been doing this for a long time but there's no 'map' out there for 'just localizers' to explain all these pitfalls (like a noob localizer has any clue about the LO/OO rift and what the relationship between Debian and Ubuntu and Canonical is; that's like me assuming you know that lenition is *obviously* blocked after a historical but no longer visible dental) and that leads to a great amount of wasted translation work gathering mould in the dark corners of the web.

Assuming that localizers should (or will) on the whole learn about these things falls under 'nice but probably not going to happen' so anyone who wants these localizations to work effectively ought to consider 'translators' and not 'developers' as the target audience when composing localization documentation. Translators are not stupid or don't care (why else would we be translating for free otherwise...) but if their primary skill was development stuff, they'd be developers, not translators. Would be a good thing if we accepted that different folk have different strengths and weaknesses and to try and make those work together smoothly.

"it's already there" (ok, not in a released, stable one, but thatwon't happen
for some months to come)
Thank you


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