Just filed a bug after some off list suggestions.

It may be accidental and I know projects like LO are always short of folk but it's inexcusable. It stumps new/inexperienced users (i.e. most) at a point before they even use the program. In terms of usability, it's like hiding the Save button three layers down in the UI menu. It should have been fixed as a matter of priority when LO first forked, even before cleaning code. It's not icing.


05/08/2014 00:29, sgrìobh Tom Davies:
I think it's more accidental than disgraceful. Obviously not everything is ideal yet! but there is a strong feeling of communities and individuals working together towards making things better and better. Also when you really think about what the alternatives do then it often is LO that is better.

All teams (except maybe devs on Writer and Calc) are woefully tiny and yet they keep on producing really great work.

I feel like i am only asking for a bit of icing on the cake, but then English(US) is very close to English (UK) so being stuck in the wrong one for a little while is barely noticeable.

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