In my experience with MS there is next to zero feedback on access key issues for the localizers. It may be different for big languages and/or they may fix these themselves but it is unclear what they do with the SMLs.

We had this debate some time ago, but it never really got anywhere - for a new locale, they could just not add them and have the system add them automatically but the problem remains for those who would like to have them automated but already have them in there from previous versions, there's no way of stripping them and doing it manually would be a nightmare. Plus Pootle would through a zillion errors on the access key check...


Sgrìobh Tom Davies na leanas 09/06/2015 aig 16:07:
Hi :)
I really like that idea.

It is in the ethos of Open Source and maybe gets a "good enough" result faster.

If similar languages grouped together in that way then individual languages could always re-adjust later if they really needed to. As a non-translator and lurker it is the sort of problem i would never have thought about but that could easily prove to be a total nightmare. I wonder if Microsoft have sorted it out in any relevant language (i'm guessing they don't do Celtic Scottish but maybe for Italian and other such "Romance"(? is that even a group?) languages) and if so whether it is easy to find a full listing of what they choose - and if they have whether it is relevant to try to use their listings. So many "if"s! Any one of which would be a "blocker". So, i think the idea of using some other Open Source team's list or ideas is bound to be MUCH better.

Regards from
Tom :)

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