Well done, Niklas!
Although It looks like for Cyrillic locales accelerators are not being put
to result correctly, all I see is little rectangles instead of actual
accellerator letters.
Latin letters are being processed correctly.


On Thu, Sep 24, 2015 at 4:39 PM, Niklas Johansson
<sleeping.pil...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Michael
> Well this is not as big a problem as you make it. Basically you open the
> document I sent a link to earlier. The UI language of LibreOffice should be
> set to the language that you want to check. Generate the report, which will
> list all menus and sub-menus and highlight the problematic menu entries.
> Save the file and change the UI language to KeyID and reopen the report
> there. Now you can easily find the exact string in Pootle.
> Let me know if you do not know what KeyID is and how to use it.
> /Niklas
> 2015-09-24 11:29 GMT+02:00 Michael Bauer <f...@akerbeltz.org>:
>> Hi Niklas,
>> This has often been debated but I don't think anything ever happened. The
>> main issue with any such tool is that unless it links to the unique UI
>> string, it's not much help because most of the time there are like 50
>> incidences of &Edit and to make matters worse, we have _Edit and &Edit type
>> hotkeys and worse still, if I search for Edit and the string is E&dit, it
>> won't get found.
>> The summary of previous discussions is that if a locale does not assign
>> hotkeys, the system does it automatically - which no one tells you when you
>> start out, and while I'd prefer that for our locale, I don't have the
>> resources to strip all existing hotkeys. Other than that, there are the
>> usual problems of not knowing the scope (i.e. what other UI strings are
>> sharing the menu with said string) and restricted letter sets (Gaelic has
>> 18 letters, fewer if you ignore letters with descenders...)
>> Ideally I think we'd need a tool which during localization flags
>> "Duplicated hotkey in menu scope" + list of strings in scope. And/or a tool
>> that allows locales which do not want to assign hotkeys manually to strip
>> them all from the existing files so the system can automatically deal with
>> the issue.
>> Michael
>> Sgrìobh Niklas Johansson na leanas 24/09/2015 aig 10:01:
>> After thinking a bit about it I instead decided to write a small tool in
>>> basic that uses the accessibility interfaces to traverse the menus and
>>> print a report in Writer. This makes it possible to run from Linux,
>>> Windows
>>> and even on Mac. You'll find some more information on how to use the tool
>>> in the document below (also containing the relevant macros).
>> --
>> *Akerbeltz <http://www.faclair.com/>*
>> Goireasan Gàidhlig air an lìon
>> Fòn: +44-141-946 4437
>> Facs: +44-141-945 2701
>> *Tha Gàidhlig aig a' choimpiutair agad, siuthad, feuch e!*
>> Iomadh rud eadar prògraman oifis, brabhsairean, predictive texting,
>> geamannan is mòran a bharrachd. Tadhail oirnn aig www.iGàidhlig.net
>> <http://www.xn--igidhlig-0ya.net> <http://www.iGaidhlig.net/>
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