Hello again

A short description of how to use KeyID can be found at:

The dialy builds of LibreOffice should contain the KeyID version (has the
language code qtz)


2015-09-24 14:25 GMT+02:00 Michael Bauer <f...@akerbeltz.org>:

> I was not aware that it had been implemented, that's good news :)
> If you could point me at a page that explains how to KeyID, that would be
> great.
> Michael
> Sgrìobh Niklas Johansson na leanas 24/09/2015 aig 12:39:
>> Hi Michael
>> Well this is not as big a problem as you make it. Basically you open the
>> document I sent a link to earlier. The UI language of LibreOffice should
>> be
>> set to the language that you want to check. Generate the report, which
>> will
>> list all menus and sub-menus and highlight the problematic menu entries.
>> Save the file and change the UI language to KeyID and reopen the report
>> there. Now you can easily find the exact string in Pootle.
>> Let me know if you do not know what KeyID is and how to use it.
>> /Niklas
> --
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