Hello Andras, *,
Andras Timar wrote:
> On Sat, Oct 22, 2016 at 1:30 PM, Thomas Hackert
> <thack...@nexgo.de> wrote:
>> Andras Timar wrote:
>> > After a long time, pot files of LibreOffice Online were updated
>> > in Pootle. There are a few new UI strings to translate.
>> great, thank you :)
>> <snip>
>> > If you have any questions about the meaning of any new 
>> > just ask me.
>> Yes, indeed. The following ones:
>> 1. Is "Wrap" (e.g.
>> https://translations.documentfoundation.org/projects/libo_online/
>> translate/loleaflet-ui-
>> but
>> also in the following segments) meant as the position of a text
>> around a picture (or object, etc.), or does it mean something
>> completely different?
> Yes, it's text wrap around objects.

>> 2. In
>> https://translations.documentfoundation.org/projects/libo_online/
>> translate/loleaflet-ui-de.po#search=dist%2Ferrormessages.
>> js%3A3&sfields=locations
>> there is a placeholder "<a href="%3">". Will this have an
>> translated page somewhere with an automated redirect 
>> Or do we need to enter an URL to a localized site here? If so: to
>> which one?
> We don't support localized sites here at the moment. %3 will be
> replaced to brandProductURL if it's defined, otherwise it will be


>> 3. If I understand
>> https://translations.documentfoundation.org/projects/libo_online/
>> translate/loleaflet-ui-de.po#search=dist%2Ftoolbar%
>> 2Ftoolbar.js%3A494&sfields=locations
>> correctly, this will show the name of another user who entered /
>> joined the server (and/or started editing the same document?).
>> Will there be any indication of a list for all joined people (of
>> a work group, company, whatever)?
> Yes, there is active user list (of the actual document) in a popup
> of status bar. (in the upcoming releases)


>> 4. Maybe I am wrong here, but on
>> https://translations.documentfoundation.org/projects/libo_online/
>> translate/loleaflet-ui-de.po#search=dist%2Ferrormessages.
>> js%3A3&sfields=locations
>> there is the text
>> <quote>
>> To find out more about deploying and scaling %2 checkout:
>> </quote>
>> . Should this be not
>> <quote>
>> To find out more about deploying and scaling %2 check out:
>> </quote>
>> ? "checkout" is a noun, isn't it? So I think the verb would be
>> better here ... ;)
> Yes, I agree.


>> Maybe I find some other segments later, when I continue
>> translating ... ;)
> Thanks!

You are welcome :)
Have a nice afternoon

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