On Sun, Jan 15, 2017 at 11:50 AM, Thomas Hackert <thack...@nexgo.de> wrote:
> Hello @ll,
> while trying to translate
> https://translations.documentfoundation.org/de/libo_help/translate/swriter/guide.po#unit=117795332
> into German, I seem to have found a misleading description ... :(
> The above mentioned segment reads
> <quote>
> For whole table, right-click on the table in the Navigator, and
> choose <emph>Table - Unprotect</emph> in the context
> menu.<br/>␠␠␠␠␠␠␠␠␠␠␠␠␠␠␠␠Or select the whole table and
> choose <emph>Tools - Unprotect Cells</emph> in menu bar.
> </quote>
> But also switching LO's UI language to English does not show this
> menu entry ... :(

You fail to write wich of the two ways you tried.

> There are only "Edit...", "Delete" and "Rename".
> Is this a missing feature or a help text for an older LO version?
> Tested with
> OS: Debian Testing AMD64
> LO: Version:

This is pointless, are master projects are for 5.3/master only.
> LO: Version:
> […]
> I hope, someone can give some insight to my question ... ;)

For the menu entry to appear in navigator's context-menu, you have to
first protect cells.
In Menu, it should appear anyway (but in deactivated mode when there
are no protected cells in the selection)


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