Although statistics are missing, probably over 95% of localizations are
contributed by the community, and this is constantly affirmed in all the
presentations we are making around the world (I already did more than 20
during 2020, and I will do others before the end of the year).

Unfortunately, counting all contributions is not trivial, because there
are cases - such as Italian - where only one person commits the patches
but over a dozen contribute the translations.

I hope to have Weblate connected to the dashboard, as this would allow
to have at least some statistics - possibly not perfect - to use not
only for press releases but also for presentations.

In addition, only a minor percentage of people active in localization
applies for TDF membership, while almost 100% of core developers do, and
this does not provide the same level of representation to the community
of people active in localization.

By the way, in late July we have applied to the Guinness World of
Records as LibreOffice is the software available in the largest number
of languages, but we are still waiting for their reply (for "free"
applications, the standard answer is 12 weeks, so we should be close to
receiving it).

On 9/30/20 12:43 AM, Martin Srebotnjak wrote:
> Hello, l10n community,
> does someone have a clue how all the l10n efforts of LO could be
> numerically measured/represented?
> Like what amount of the l10n effort of LO project is contributed by "the
> community" and how much by the "ecosystem companies".
> Since at the time being only new/changed lines of code get measured and
> used in all the press releases - we might not have a proper view of the
> project and the role of the community and its volunteers - nor can the l10n
> effort be properly communicated in the press releases.
> Lp, m.

Italo Vignoli - LibreOffice Marketing & PR
mobile/signal +39.348.5653829 - email
hangout/jabber - skype italovignoli
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