Subject: Translation Entry With spaces or Without Spaces

Content of Entry: PostalCode


Content Entry: StateProvi

As you can see from above There were some entries ( I just quoted 2 of
them, there are more), that I have a wonder.

Assume, I have the string with the format "XY",
but "XY" is the combination from "X" and "Y"
and "X" has the meaning "Z" in my native language, the same with "Y" with
the meaning of "T"
I want to ask that, when I translate the "XY" entry into my native
language, what is the right format for my translation?

Is it 1) or 2)

1. "XY" = "ZT" (without space between Z and T)
2. "XY" = "Z T" (with space between Z and T)

When I worked with other projects on Transifex, I often use the 2)
solution. The other maintainers of those project also give me the solution
of 2).
But I wonder: what is the solution/rule in AOO?

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