We may imagine different pages for contributors, so I sketch my one.

-Language 1
--Area 1: /website translating, website developing, write developer, base developer, marketing, anything else./
---Contributor 1 /name/
----contribution 1
----contribution 2
----contribution 3
----contribution 4
----Can be contacted on the following platforms /skype, mail, msn, webpage, etc./
----platform 1
----platform 2
Last active:
"Usually I answer within .............., please be patient!" /1 hour, 1 week, 1 month, on Sundays, anything/

---Contributor 2
----contribution 1
----contribution 2
----contribution 3
----contribution 4
No contact information, just proud to be here, on the list

And so on...

Area 2, Contributors, Area 3, Contributors, Language 2 ...................

A mail server could drop a checking mail with 'Are you alive? Are you still interested in aoo?' message to every listed person in every month. If 'answer' mail was sent back to server, 'last active' date will be updated. If no answer, contributor will be moved to inactive listings / archives.

And there could be three lists. Native subsite should show up only it's own native contributors as Aivaras planned - if I understood it well. And there could be a link on this page with 'Show me all active contributors for every language'. And a link for 'Show me all contributors'.

Probably not possible, but php and sql could do a great job for here.

On 2015-01-23 23:26, Louis Suárez-Potts wrote:
On 23 Jan 2015, at 14:57, Aivaras Stepukonis <astepuko...@gmail.com> wrote:

I find it rather paradoxical to have a webpage for the contacts of professional (paid?) 
consultants ("http://www.openoffice.org/bizdev/consultants.html";) and not have 
an equivalent for volunteering contributors. Don't you?

Yes, that's why we (and mostly I drove this) created the original page 
honouring all the contributors. Please: I'm not saying that those who 
contribute ought not to be given a page and that that page ought not to be 
local, if that's desired. Quite the opposite. Rather, I'm simply not wanting 
any page created with the best of intentions to be abandoned, lost, if the 
originator of it loses interest or otherwise departs the project. That's my 

A similar point was raised, most recently, I thin, in 2012. The issue was listing all 
contributors. Okay—but the problem noted was that such a list, as Rory and Rob put it, 
would almost always be out of date for someone, and better to thank a generic 
"all" than to identify, however desirable that would be in the abstract.


Previous incarnations of native-language sites listed contributors; there was 
no reason not to, but also no compulsion to do so, unless the contributor 
insisted upon it, so each did so as resources afforded.

As to putting it on the dev@ list, the reason I suggested that was to include 
more, not fewer people. If you think that l10n (or any other list) works better 
for your goals, then go ahead.


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