Hello Andrea

Am 09.12.18 um 14:24 schrieb Andrea Pescetti:
> On 07/12/2018 Mechtilde wrote:
>> now a big step is done.
>> - we have a current status for the UI translation in pootle.
>> - we will get it for Help translation as soon as possible.
> Thanks for the update! It it correct to interpret the above as follows?
> - All Pootle languages have now been updated from code for the UI
> (aoo40) Pootle project, so they are now all aligned again.
Yes it is. There were no problems to do so.
> - aoo40help is not aligned yet (for all languages or just for some?) but
> it is in the plans to update it.

I will do the update step-by step. some languages failed with gsicheck
for *sdf. There are some problems with excaping and backslashes. So I
have to take each language manually, create *sdf file, do the gsichesk
and correct them in *sdf and pootle.

then I I neet to do it only one time. But this takes some time
> It is particularly important to know if all languages are aligned since
> this helps a lot in coordination, otherwise some teams are working on
> one version and some on another one. And as we have reused the old
> projects there is no way to tell this besides your report.

The languages I mentioned before have the help files aligned the recent
code base.

If anyone want to work on other languages, please give me a hint and
alittle bit time. I will change the order of correcting the helpfiles then.
> Regards,
>   Andrea.

Kind regards

Mechtilde Stehmann
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