Hi Paul,

thanks for the detailed explanation and sorry for the long wait. I waded through the templates and am wondering how this happens. I too am of the opinion that on a 32bit platform the opcode is a 32-bit number and it always is written to the first field in the MRs. (Currently, I'd say it's an int).

I need to build a test for to reproduce this to figure out what happens within the templates, but I'm not sure if I understood the details of your explanation, so let me put it in my own words:

* You observe the opcode of a Dataspace::map operation to be written into a 64bit field in the MRs, but only in the lower 32bit. The upper 32bit remain the old value.

* This happens only with IPC using the RPC framework. In IPC using code that is written by hand - like L4::Factory.create() or L4::Task.map() - the opcode-field is a 32bit MR; on 64-bit architectures this is a 64bit value and field respectively.

* As far as I understood you are writing the client-side of the Dataspace.map() request yourself and do not use the RPC framework? With that I mean writing the opcode to mr[0], the offset to mr[1], and so on.

But the server side then reads the mr[0] and mr[1] together as one 64bit value and then replies with EBADPROTO?

On this last point I'm a bit lost on which side does what exactly. Can you maybe write a bit of pseudo code on what happens on client and what on server side to help me understand?


On 9/18/22 23:15, Paul Boddie wrote:
On Monday, 29 August 2022 00:37:31 CEST Paul Boddie wrote:
On Sunday, 28 August 2022 23:07:38 CEST Adam Lackorzynski wrote:
On Sun Aug 21, 2022 at 00:18:57 +0200, Paul Boddie wrote:
I just spent quite some time seeing errors like this...

ext2svr | L4Re[rm]: mapping for page fault failed with error -39 at
0x1002fbc00 pc=0x10b7804
ext2svr | L4Re: rom/ext2_server: Unhandled exception: PC=0x10b7804
PFA=0x1002fbc00 LdrFlgs=0x0

-39 being -L4_EBADPROTO (unsupported protocol), of course.


Do you have any ideas as to why the first message register gets

No, still not. Any chance I could see a small example of this?

I'll try and package up what I've been doing so that it can be more readily
investigated. I was actually in the middle of this packaging process when I
discovered the problem once again.

Following up, I decided to give my code a test in 32-bit x86 and MIPS virtual
machines which caused the problem to be much more pronounced. This led me to
review a few things where I had misread the definitions of certain types (in
pkg/l4re-core/l4sys/include/l4int.h). However, I think that the nature of the
problem is actually as follows.

When a map request is sent by the L4Re region mapper, the IPC framework pieces
together the necessary message. What isn't entirely obvious is the nature of
the opcode being used. I originally thought that it was of type l4_umword_t,
and dumping the bytes in the message, it does appear that the opcode is
actually a 32-bit value (compatible with l4_umword_t on a 32-bit platform) but
that the first operand only appears after an initial 64-bit unit containing
the opcode, even on a 32-bit platform.

This might not produce problems on 64-bit platforms, although my original
report did concern such a platform, but problems are immediately evident on a
32-bit platform. For example, here is a map request on x86 that caused

00 00 00 00 ce e3 08 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ...
----------- ----------- ----------------------- -----------------------
opcode      ???         offset                  hot_spot

So, when the IPC framework writes the opcode, it fills the first 32-bit unit
but apparently not the second half of the initial 64-bit unit. Consequently,
the contents of the second half of the word appear to persist from whatever
they were previously. Hence my annotation of "???" above. It looks like an
address from the program, perhaps an earlier page fault address.

Often, zero bytes are involved, thus preserving the appropriate behaviour even
on 64-bit platforms where the opcode could be interpreted as the first 64-bit
(l4_umword_t) unit. Zeroing the first message register (as I noted in an
earlier message) fixed any cases where the prior non-zero contents leaked into
the message and corrupted the opcode when considered to be a 64-bit value.

The problem on 32-bit platforms is that the operands are displaced and are not
found after the first 32-bit word. In the above example, this causes the
offset operand to be misinterpreted, along with the values that follow it.
Obviously, this brings programs needing dataspaces to a halt very quickly.

The above behaviour contradicts the way the IPC messages are constructed by
Lua, for example. What I see on amd64/x86-64 is different from on x86 for the
same message payload. For example, an invocation of a factory create operation
with an opcode of 6:

On amd64:

06 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 81 00 08 00 00 00 00 00 e8 03 00 00 00 00 00 00 ...
----------------------- ----- ----- ----------- -----------------------
opcode                  type  size  unused      value (1000)

On x86:

06 00 00 00 81 00 04 00 e8 03 00 00 ...
----------- ----- ----- -----------
opcode      type  size  value (1000)

Here, the opcode is dependent on the word size, and the Lua code is happy to
use the word size for the operands with no padding or gaps being introduced.
Other IPC messages also appear to use the word size for the opcode. For
example, when attach operations are invoked on the region mapper I have
implemented, the opcode is only a 32-bit value with no trailing data before
the initial operands.

I imagine that none of this would manifest itself if I used precisely the same
libraries and/or code as other L4Re components, but then that rather makes the
system monolithic. There should be a degree of interoperability based on
message specifications and interface descriptions, and there should be some
consistency, too. What I have seen is that the dataspace IPC is not consistent
with other IPC.


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