>(Similar thing happened here with federal government and Bell Canada. 
>Female clerical workers were much lower paid than male workers doing
>"jobs of equal value".  The dispute went on for years and years and
>finally we were given our backpay (after about 14-16 years) and then
>we were paid interest on the amount of the under payment.
>I'm not sure if the Bell dispute is finally settled, but it went on 
>than the government dispute.

That's sometimes called 'fighting fires'. Instead
of changing their practices, corporation here
hire whole departments of attorneys to fight
cases in court, costing the employee/employees
who *dare/s* to complain money and sometimes
their health. And blacklists the individuals when
the corporation *does*, occasionally, lose.

I know.

I had neither the money nor good health going
into a situation like that. And then the company
went one step farther and hired a hatchet-man
who got rid of all the higher-paid employees in a
particular department, for one reason or another,
including a few trumped-up reasons, for which he
probably still receives nice bonuses because he
did the actual bloody-hands 'work' and can
'live with it' while they, who paid/pay him for it,
have 'clean hands' and sleep good at night.

The method reminds me of the it currently in
the White House - 'give them bread and
circuses' (Iraq/Homeland Security/colored
warnings) while it's setting up a police state,
building databases, identifying citizens . . .

Like Rome - America, you *will have been*
a great land . . .

Toni in Seattle

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