On Friday, Jul 4, 2003, at 16:08 US/Eastern, H. Muth wrote:

Well, it is obviously not me! I imagine all our American friends are out
enjoying watermelon, parades and fireworks.

I can *hear* the fireworks (sound like the howitzers of WWII films <g>), but am to far to see them. The rain held off all day (though threatened, at times), and I ought to have gone to the garden to see if any of the wineberries were ripe (and left by the wildlife), but didn't; too lazy to put on a long-sleeved shirt with the temps in the 90ties...

What other interesting and quirky festivals are there out there?

Haven't *seen* it; left the area before it started... But, when I visited a lacemaking friend (and an ex-Arachnean) in Half Moon Bay, CA (California) in early October of '01, the whole town was gearing up for a Pumpkin Festival, and I did see some early signs of it (got *very* tired of orange <g>)

My friend works in SF and commutes (about one hour each way). The "leg" of the road close to HM Bay, while not very long (15 minutes in good conditions?) is narrow -- barely enough room for two *passenger* cars to pass (one going each way; no passing of the car that's *in* your way and crawling, since the zigzags are about 2-car long, and the visibility of the road in front is close to nil)... With a mountain, almost "straight up" at 90 degree angle on one side of the road, and a very picturesque but *sheer* drop on the other side. No room for "shoulders", so there are none, except that, every 5th zig-zag or so, as the mountains permit, there's a litle "bay", where one can park to regain one's mental equilibrium, catch one's breath, and get rid of one's impatient "tail"...

She says that, when the festival rolls on and the tourists start pouring in, she rents herself a hotel room in SF (unless she can wangle a holiday and go East, visiting family) for the duration :)

Me, I never particularly liked the films which show all those California car-chases but, 3 days in HMBay (we drove daily to SF for "tourist stuff") made me forget all about "pretty"; there are far better ways to commit suicide or even to lose your breakfast... :)

Tamara P Duvall
Lexington, Virginia,  USA
Formerly of Warsaw, Poland
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