On Friday, July 4, 2003, at 08:53 PM, Tamara P. Duvall wrote:
On Friday, Jul 4, 2003, at 16:08 US/Eastern, H. Muth wrote:

What other interesting and quirky festivals are there out there?

Haven't *seen* it; left the area before it started... But, when I visited a lacemaking friend (and an ex-Arachnean) in Half Moon Bay, CA (California) in early October of '01, the whole town was gearing up for a Pumpkin Festival, and I did see some early signs of it (got *very* tired of orange <g>)

I live in Loomis, California. We have the Eggplant Festival (for those on the other side of the Pond, "eggplant" is what we call aubergines). What you have to understand is that Loomis did not traditionally grow eggplants. The town decided that we needed an agricultural festival (we do have a strong agricultural tradition- mostly soft fruits), but since all of the good fruits and vegetables were taken by other area festivals, we ended up with eggplants. They had to convince local farmers to actually grow them. It's really quite fun- the whole town goes purple for the weekend. About half the community breaks out the eggplant recipes, while the rest put on buttons and t-shirts that say things like "lips that touch eggplant shall never touch mine."

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