At 01:08 PM 7/4/2003 -0700, you wrote:

>What other interesting and quirky festivals are there out there?

Next week is our local annual celebration -- Turkey Rama.  It started as
the Pacific Coast Turkey Exhibition at a time when turkeys were one of the
largest crops in the county.  Now, I don't think there are any commercial
turkey producers left, but the people have kept the turkey theme for the
town's special days.  

There will be three days of street sales, music, food, softball, parking
challenges and tired feet.  Friday night will be the Biggest Turkey Contest.
Instead of a reigning King or Queen, we have a Biggest Turkey.  Several
people compete for about six weeks by raising money for a charity, most
likely Hospice.  The person getting the most donations wins the title.  
The contest finale is a lipsynch performance to some piece of music.  These
short performances are sometimes quite elaborate with many people involved.
The winners get money donated to their collections, then the collections
are totaled for the Biggest Turkey award.  Together, the candidates raise
$20-40,000 for the charity.  The winner gets a crown, cape, and septor --
and gets to parade around the stage.  There are several times during the
year that the BT puts in an appearance locally.  A couple years ago, the
winner was a 9-year-old girl.

The last day of Turkey Rama, the special feature is Turkey Barbecue.
Ummmmmm! Good!  We usually buy dinner, then get a turkey half to take
home for later.  A couple years ago I helped with the 6am barbecue shift.
I helped season the turkey halves in preparation for barbecuing.  They cook
about 4000 servings each year.

A little way from here, one town has a Garlic Festival.  They make all kinds
of things with garlic, including garlic ice cream.  No, I didn't eat any!

Small town festivals can be fun.

Alice in Oregon -    Lace exhibit is now history. 1000 people came.
Oregon Country Lacemakers            
Arachne Secret Pal Administrator          
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