Well, the day that started off so poorly has continued - we were late for a
business appointment because we couldn't find a parking space.... on the way
home, the local radio announcer was discussing the development in England of an
onion, which is being bred in such a way that it won't cause the eyes to water
when chopping.   

A lot of suggestions for minimising the watering eyes were broadcast for those
of us who don't have "waterless" onions.

That made me crave onions with my steak for dinner...so I came home, and tried
a suggestion I hadn't heard before.  Put the onion in the freezer for a couple
of minutes before peeling.  This lowers the levels of whatever it is that
causes the eyes to water, and thus peeling is painless.  It works!!

However, whilst I was cutting the onions, I also cut my finger badly .... so
there I was, still crying!

I'm going to bed!!  It seems like the safest thing to do at this stage!! (VBG)

Tamara, I'm glad you seem to have solved your Mac problems!!

Regards, Ruth (Sydney, Australia)

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