I was amazed at how unprepared we were for the blackout.  When the power
died, I was not concerned.  But then realized that we only own candle
sticks, no candles.  My next thought was to run to the convience store to
purchase some and the neighbor reminded me that the cash registers there
would not work either.  Fortunately she has a large stash and gave me some.
The next problem was finding out what was going on.  Finally realized I
could sit in my pickup and listen to the radio there.  No battery powered
radio.  Things were fine until dinner time.  The cat food has a pop top but
the tuna fish cans need a can opener.  A hammer and chisel from the basement
solved that one.  The good news was that power returned around 1:30 AM so
were without for only 9 hours.

As I suddenly had time on my hands, I had a choice of mowing the lawn or
making lace.  So I sat out on the front step for about three hours making
lace until the sun went down.  During that time as least 2 dozen people that
were walking by stopped to see what I was doing.  I finally went in and set
my "try it"pillow on the stoop with me as well.

Another sidebar.  About 11:30 pm I went out by the street and looked up and
down.  then I realized I could see the stars in the sky.  After a couple of
minutes of gazing upwords my thought was that it would be nice if the people
driving by did not have their light on.  Just then the signal lights and
street lights popped on a block up the street.  So I gave up on stargazing
and went to bed.

Kenn Van-Dieren
Bobbins by Van-Dieren
2304 Clifford Avenue
Rochester, NY 14609-3825
Tel: 585.654.5711
Cell: 585.750.8842
Web Site: www.bobbinmaker.com

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