Hi All

Jean wrote:-

> I think Dettol's still available, but another thing that always used to work
> was TCP. Don't know if that's still around. If you used TCP everyone within
> a five mile radius knew you'd used it. It tended to be associated with
> elderly people, who seemed to use it for all sorts of things from mouthwash
> to skin antiseptic, and think it's popularity might have waned because of
> that.
Yes, Dettol and TCP are still both available.  I like the 'clean' smell of
TCP even if it is somewhat strong!

I find 'Wasp Ease' helps me when I get bitten.   I have a theory that
'mossies' prefer one blood group from another. Let's put it to the test.
 My blood group is 'A Rh.Pos.'

Anne from a dry, warm Derby, England. 

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