On Tuesday, Aug 19, 2003, at 04:17 US/Eastern, Linda Walton wrote:

Eau de Cologne works very well, too.  As I'm allergic to things, even
insignificant insect bites drive me mad for days

<g> there's allergies, and then there's allergies... I, too, am allergic to "things", and Eau de Cologne is one of the worst offenders :) can't figure out why... It's not a reaction to *alcohol* -- I can consume more than a man twice my body-weight without any ill effect... It's not reaction to *perfume* -- I can tolerate the "$100 per quarter ounce" stuff with hardly a wrinkle of my nose... But, place me next to someone wearing eau de cologne, and my eyes swell shut, and my face puffs up till there's no difference between me and the next pig in a sty... That's *if* I'm lucky; in the worst case scenario, my breathing passages swell and close shut too; my father was *mightily* offended when he took me to his senior-club dancing evening (to show off his "American daughter") and I spent the entire time with my head hanging out the window, and then he had to support *me* to the bus stop (rather than the other way around), bacause I was entirely blind for the next 12 hrs...

I have a precious tube of some Polish gel-goo, which has flax-seed oil as a base, plus some other gobbledy-gook stuff. It seems to work very efficiently at neutalising the bite itches. I works even on Americans, who, as a rule, don't believe anything good can possibbly come from an underdeveloped country :)

Since I refused to clean up the dining-room table for the latest round of visits, we ate outside (I left the praying for no-rain to those who are more competent than I am in the religion dept). I seem to get one mosquito bite to everyone else's 5, and to Elizabeth's 10, so she asked me what I had to relieve the itch/swelling. I handed her the tube, which she eyed with suspicion, but used the gel anyway. Since she came back for a second dose later in the day, I assume it's worked as well for her as it works for me <g>

Tamara P Duvall
Lexington, Virginia,  USA
Formerly of Warsaw, Poland

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