On Monday, Aug 25, 2003, at 12:21 US/Eastern, Toni Hawryluk wrote:

I'm allergic to my own perspiration...

It never *really* surfaced in Poland (except when I wore clothes made with
more than 50% "un-natural" fiber),

Or when whatever was in the 'unnatural' fiber, added to whatever
was being 'filtered out' simply overwhelmed your immune system ?

Nah... If it doesn't "breathe", and/or it's not absorbent/porous (to "wick" the sweat away), it's a "no-go" for me. Couldn't wear rain slickers or rubber boots as a child; can't wear "plastic" shoes (or sneakers which have "weather-proof" canvas on top and rubber soles at the bottom) to this day. No problem with "predator" (all leather) ones, though, and, once, I was able to find (in the US) a rain slicker which had a layer of quilted cotton under the rubber outer shell... worked a treat, until I "outgrew" it (it was child's size 14; it barely fit at 30, not at all now).

I don't think it had anything to do with my growing up in an industrial and polluted environment -- Warsaw didn't *have* any industry when I was growing up; it was still trying to rebuild itself after the total annihillation of WWII. It's different now -- some of my contemporaries have children whose lungs are permanently "shot" because the government, in its wisdom, decided to build factories with smoking chimneys at the (what was then) outskirts of the city, and followed up that decision with lots of 15-story high tenement buildings which were within walking distance of jobs for young couples with kids... Most of those factories are now closed (due to the new regime and new economy -- no longer subsidised, and required to make a profit instead of a political statement), though it's too late for many.

All the same, I'd caution against riding one's hobby-horse all the way into the sunset; it is not, afterall, a "real thing"... :)

Tamara P Duvall
Lexington, Virginia,  USA
Formerly of Warsaw, Poland

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