My son used to be lactose intolerant as a baby and toddler.  We
discovered this when he was 6 months old, on my very first Mother's Day
(when we also had a guest from Oz staying with us that weekend!), and he
couldn't get down any regular formula, without gagging.  I tried
changing nipples  and all, but he was having problems, so I gave up, and
put him down for the night.  About half an hour later I checked on him
as he was grizzling, and ta-da!  The kid had broken out in hives!  A
call to the pediatrician, and subsequent visit to the Pediatric ER at
our local hospital confirmed the diagnosis.  So he was a soy formula and
soy milk boy until he was 3 or 4 - don't remember which the magic number
was, when he finally grew out of it pretty much.

Funnily, he could eat cheese and yoghurt in small amounts but not cream,
sour cream or milk, so I'd spend ages reading the ingredients labels on
the baby food jars (especially the deserts) to find the ones he could
safely eat.

He's 8 now, and eats and drinks almost anything, except foods with tree
nuts, although I still watch how much lactose he takes in in a day, as
too much will give him a tummy ache and a trip to the powder room.

Helen, Aussie living in Denver.

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