On Tuesday, Nov 11, 2003, at 20:40 US/Eastern, donlynn (Lynn Scott) wrote:

Just my confused in the southern hemisphere two cents worth, however, since
there are no pennies here, I suppose that would be my five cents worth.

How "funny"... I've never thought about it before, but we (here in the US) don't have pennies *either*... :)

There's 100 *cents* to a dollar (as the name suggests), and, if you're really short, you don't "have a red cent" (cents being made of copper and reddish in tint). The public toilets are free, so we don't go "to spend a penny". We do have "pounds", but only as weight units, not as money, so "penny wise, pound foolish" is only found in Brit books... *Yet*, we do contribute our "pennyworth" to discussions. Weird :) Though, when we allow for the exchange rate, it becomes "2 *cents* worth" <g>

Yours, always in love with the language,
Tamara P Duvall
Lexington, Virginia,  USA
Formerly of Warsaw, Poland

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