On Jan 23, 2004, at 21:32, Webwalker (Susan) wrote:

If you happen to have two closets maintained by two different people, it would be great to have a response from each owner.

DH and I *do* have two closets -- his and hers -- but I maintain them both. Ie I hang *all* the clothes as I bring them from the laundry room (there are 3 baskets: pink is mine, blue is his, white is "house"), though he puts away his on, if they need to go into the dresser drawers, not into the closet.

1, 2, 3

My closet is on the left, his is on the right. All of my clothes face right, all of his left -- face to face, as it were, with a wall between... I started hanging them that way, for sentimental/symbolic reasons 30 yrs ago (as soon as I realised that his would never get hung at all otherwise, and that he didn't give a damn *which way* they were hanging, as long as they *were* hanging <g>), and never had any reason to change the "system". I do the same thing to our bath towels, and I doubt he's aware of *that*, either :)


We have a closet that we *share* -- where all the "out of season" clothes go -- and *the order is the same*, even though each of us puts their own clothes into it independently (we cannot agreee on on when the seasons change; he goes by calendar, I by the thermometer <g>). His clothes face left, mine face right and, when we happen to be in the "interim" as to seasons, my filmiest silk dress might rub -- breast to chest -- against his stodgiest wool suit in the most obscene manner :)

So, there *might* be something to the left/right, male/female "story" but, probably, not much... I've been wearing clothes with both male and female "slant" since I was about 10 (one bought what was *available* in Poland of my childhood, and my figure now still permits "interpretation" <g>), so I'm *almost* OK with both. Men's shirts and cardigans annoy me somewhat; women's trousers annoy me very much, and my belt buckle is the same side as my DH's (I just checked). When I nursed (the most common explanation for the difference in openings on shirts), I didn't do it from either side, I yanked the whole top *up*. And we have two other closets that we (and visitors) share; in both of those, *all* the clothes (jackets and coats) hang facing right...

Tamara P Duvall
Lexington, Virginia,  USA
Formerly of Warsaw, Poland

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