At 06:32 PM 1/23/2004, you wrote:
1. Do you know the direction your garments (jackets/coats/blouses/shirts) "face" without looking in the closet? (Y/N)


2.  Do all the garments face the same direction? (Y/N)
If not, go to question 6

Yes - mostly.

3. Do they face right or left? (R/L)\


4. Are you male or female? (M/F)


5. Are you right-handed or left-handed? (R/L)

right handed

6. Is there any particular reason you hang them this way as opposed to another?

l. When the hangers are inserted into clean garments, I hold the item in my left hand with the front opening away from me. Right hand has hanger with hook facing left. Insert hanger. Garments all face right.

2. When I reach for a garment (shirt - coat), I reach with my right hand, and grab the item on the right collar area. The garment is positioned correctly in my hand to put it on -- left arm in, flip around and slide in the right arm -- without having to move it around in my hands. This only works with button-front garments.

DH has a separate closet, but since I do the laundry, his clothes get hung up the same as mine. He doesn't care which way they face. What he hangs up may go either direction.

Alice in Oregon

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