Hi All,
-----Original Message----
>1.  Do you know the direction your garments
>(jackets/coats/blouses/shirts)  “face” without looking in the closet?
>2.  Do all the garments face the same direction? (Y/N)
>If not, go to question 6
>3.  Do they face right or left? (R/L)
>4.  Are you male or female? (M/F)
>5.  Are you right-handed or left-handed? (R/L)
>6.  Is there any particular reason you hang them this way as opposed >to
It's a walk-in closet and the bar is on the left wall.  There's a lot of
"junk" on the far wall so, if I want to see the front of the garment (which
I guess I do) I stand to the left and look at the clothes.  DH seems to have
his clothes facing left too.  He has an armoire and the door is hinged on
the right side so it's easier to stand to the left.

Can't wait to hear why you want to know <G>.

Jane in Vermont, USA where it was -0.7F at 8:30 this morning.

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