My mother had pepper and salt hair and I think I have inherited that also.  Why "I 
think" is because I am not sure what color my hair is really.  I have been using a red 
hair dye to hide the grey for so long now but I am sure if I stopped using it I would 
have patches a grey here and there judging from my roots.  Red hair runs in my family 
but my mother and I missed out.  
I recently met my BIL's sister who I have not seen for 20 years.  She has the hair I 
want - perfectly white and I know she does not dye it, mine will probably never go 
white all over but I am too much of a coward to try bleaching it.  I will stick with 
my easy to use hair dye but I wish they would stop changing the colors.  It took me 3 
or 4 tries when when changed the color names on the boxes trying to find the one I 
like, only to find that they had discontinued that one, so now sometimes I have 
orangey hair, sometimes dark mahogany but the best one was just before I went to 
Holland on a visit and I ended up with bright pinkey red.   Thought I would stick out 
like a sore thumb but I was quite often taken for a local and people asked me for 
Janice Blair

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