Dear Secret Pal,

Thank you for the wonderful goodies this month. The cat card was most appropriate. The kittens are so much fun now - I don't know if I'm going to be able to give them all up! The spider card is really beautiful so I'll have to save it for a special person. The tea towel is too nice to use to dry dishes so I'm going to use it as a cover cloth. The key chain mount I will use for myself and maybe even the coaster mount, though it would also make a nice gift for someone once I get the lace done for the inside. The eye cream will definitely come in handy as the age wrinkles start to set in. And thank you soooo much for the glass bobbin! It is beautiful and I'm almost scared to use it. Just before the parcel arrived I had been looking at some on eBay so I was very pleasantly surprised to find one in the package.

Last month I forgot to thank you for those wonderful threads you sent. The variegated Oliver Twist is gorgeous!

Well I'm hoping for some nice days this week to get some gardening done but there seems to be some rain in the forecast.

Thank you again for the great gifts,
Cindy Rusak

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