"Jean Nathan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>I've only encountered air conditioning in modern shops and ofices. 
>Everywhere else relies on opening doors and windows and portable fans. 
>Portable air conditioning units are available in the big DIY stores, but 
>they're not something we seem to have latched on to.

In the early 1960's this was true in Michigan, too, and this reminds me of
a story:

When my parents were married, they went to Florida on their honeymoon.
They were married in August.

So these two 1960's 20-year-olds drive down to hot, humid, sticky Florida
in August.  They are so hot, they are practically hanging their heads out
the car windows like a dog to catch the breeze.  But they notice that a lot
of the people in the other cars they see are driving around with their car
windows all rolled up!

"Hm," they say to each other, "Maybe they know something we don't!"  And
they roll their car windows up.  After sweating profusely in their
closed-up car for a few minutes, one of them realizes that what all these
native Floridians have in *their* cars, that they don't, is a little thing
called "car air conditioning"!  :D

(In the 1960's in Michigan, air conditioning was relatively rare except in
classy department stores, and *car* air conditioning was even rarer.)

Lynn Carpenter in SW Michigan, USA
alwen at i2k dot com

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