From: R.P.

"For those of you who aren't Jewish, Hannukah is the celebration
of when a tiny amount of oil lasted for eight days. Boy, sound's
like a Republican's worst nightmare, doesn't it? A fuel-efficient
device that doesn't use a lot of oil?" --Jay Leno

"First Lady  <> Laura
Bush read 'The Grinch Who Stole Christmas' to a group of children.
Unfortunately, the first lady was interrupted when Dick Cheney
yelled 'Go Grinch.'" --Conan O'Brien

"There was so much snow in Washington, D.C. that
<> Dick Cheney had
to take the chains off a detainee and put them on his car." --Jay Leno

"Governor  <>
Arnold Schwarzenegger was hospitalized earlier this week with a
rapid heartbeat...After the doctors examined him, they replaced
some of Arnold's obsolete computer chips and reinforced his
titanium exo-skeleton. He was good as new." --Jay Leno

[On anti-torture legislation negotiations]: "It works like any
negotiation. ... Both sides go in overreaching with their best-
case scenario going forward, knowing they're probably not going to
get exactly what they want. McCain has opened with no torture, any
time, any place. The administration has countered with, we want to
do whatever we want, whenever we want, to whomever we want, and we
don't want anybody knowing about it. So they're not really that
far apart. There's some wiggle room there. And if you know
anything about torture, you do not want to spend any time in the
wiggle room." --"Daily Show" Senior Human Rights Correspondent
Jason Jones

Tamara P Duvall                  
Lexington, Virginia, USA     (Formerly of Warsaw, Poland)

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