Just watrching USA playing football against the Czech Republic in the FIFA World Cup (soccer to those in the US, and incidentally USA is currently losing 2-0), and it got me wondering how the team came about. We don't hear about it being played in schools, only American football and baseball.

I love the Budweiser adverts peppered around the two halves of the game. Budweiser are obviously part sponsors of the whole tournament and are poking fun at the US generally not understanding the game. It's two US "sports reporters" commenting on it, eg (1) "Did you know that this Fifa World Cup has teams from different countries playing?" Obvious reference to the US World Series. (2) "Did you see that? The ball hit one player on the head, bounced and then hit another player on the head! What are the odds against that happening?" (3) "Those rookies look as if they've just left kindergarten." "They're mascots." (4) "4, 9, 7, 1, 8" "Are you working out a play strategy?" "No Soduko."

Jean in Poole, Dorset, UK
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