Jean Nathan wrote:

. . . and it got me wondering how the [U.S.A} team came
about. We don't hear about it being played in schools,
only American football and baseball.

Football makes money for American Colleges.  Basketball
makes money for American high schools.  Baseball makes money
for professional teams.  Everything else costs to play, so
it doesn't get into the news.

Except local sports news in papers that regularly make above-the-fold front page news out of a heron catching a fish. (More precisely, out of the staff photographer getting a good shot of a heron catching a fish.)

Recently DH, a golfer, read a headline that said something
like "Tigers win golf tournament".  He did a double take at
the intrusive "s" in Mr. Wood's name, then remembered that the local high school has a golf team called the Tigers.

I get the impression that other countries don't give cutesy
names to school sports teams.  Which makes me realize that I
can't remember the name of my high-school team!  My grade
school was the Sugar Creek [pronounced "crick"] Crickets and
my college team was the Greyhounds -- Whippets for the
girls' teams.  (I wonder how one could diminutivise
"Boilermakers"?  Purdue Pete would look cute in a skirt.)

I also wonder how Dean Cramer would have reacted to a proposal to call the girls' teams "Greyhound Bitches"?

Joy Beeson -- Writers' Exchange
west of Fort Wayne, Indiana, U.S.A.
where it's sunny and warm.

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