My daughter needed a "long" copy of her birth certificate from England and when 
she compared the two she realised that the "short" copy did not include her 
parents names!  I never noticed that fact before.
  My son is a "Robin" which was more of a male name in England when he was born 
in 1971 but when we came to the US he was often mistaken for a girl.  I guess I 
had very androgenous looking kids when they were younger.  Not now he is 6'3", 
well built and with a beard.  He also got stuck with Andrew as a second name 
because my DH forgot we had decided on James when he registered his name.  
Well, that is what DH told me!! :-)
  I was happy to take my husbands surname on marriage as it moved me to the 
front end of the alphabet.  My maiden name is Umpleby and I bet if most of you 
check your local phone book you will not find another one.  I think it dies out 
in our family when my old Aunty dies.  I cannot imagine anyone hyphenating that 
  When I write to married female friends I never use a title and much prefer 
just the plain name and I don't care if it upsets anyone, but my Christmas 
cards always are addressed to Mr. & Mrs followed by their last name.  Why add 
more than is necessary, maybe it is another sign of laziness. :-)  I can also 
never understand why parents give their children names with the same initials 
as themselves.  Is it because they want to open mail addressed to their 
children "by mistake"!!  George Foreman comes to mind with all his boys being 
called George!
  Janice Blair

Janice Blair
Crystal Lake, 50 miles northwest of Chicago, Illinois, USA

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