Hello David, and all,

I'm guessing around 5 kilometers. That's as the crow flies. To get to the border crossing is a little farther as it's on the other side of town. Alongside the border on our side runs '0' Avenue, then a large ditch, then the States. The border is patrolled on both sides for drug runners and there are video cameras which alert the authorities to unlawful activity (such as jumping the ditch). It runs along the 49th parallel for most of the distance of our country only doing some jogging in the east and a little bit here in the west. The border swings south of Bev on Vancouver Island so that the entire Island is in Canada, but there is a tiny portion of the States hanging from us. The only way off Point Roberts, Washington (N 48° 59.381 W 123° 03.389) is through Canada.

More than you wanted to know, I expect, but I thought others might be like me and enjoy learning interesting tidbits about other countries.

Abbotsford, BC
Off to school shortly.

Nice shot. So how far south of you is the USA border. Doesn't look very far.
David in Ballarat

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