Can anyone help, please?

I'm in the UK, and I have a PayPal account linked to my bank account.  No
problem so far.

I need to send $65 to a very small knitting tools supplier in the USA, who
doesn't have PayPal or credit card facilities.  8-(

If I get a money order from my bank, to send safely by post, the bank will
charge me £15 (around $30) for the M.O.  That's a flat rate, no matter how
much or how little the M.O. is worth.

If I send the money from my PP account to the supplier's e-mail address (I
tried it out on DH first <G>) she will receive a message telling her how to
open a PP account and link it to her bank account in order to get at the

So what's the best way for me to get money to her, and to get the stuff from
her to me?

Can I write a cheque (on Barclays Bank) in dollars?  If I write it in GBP,
won't it cost her a lot in bank charges to get it exchanged?

Advice, please?


[EMAIL PROTECTED] in North Herts, UK 

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