I think I understand the attraction of texting... although I personally hate it and don't have a text plan. You can sit in a deadly boring meeting and text with the object of your affections for hours without disturbing anyone... especially if you sit in the back, alone. I suspect that on some college campuses, there is more texting going on during lectures than note-taking. You can text in public without the people around you hearing what you're "saying". And text-ers have developed a sophisticated short-hand which means they can say what they need to say in very few keystrokes... So, I'm too old to change my stripes, but at least I can understand why they do it. Neither of my adult children would feel dressed and ready to face the world if they didn't have their smart phones with text-messaging in their pockets. And this mom doesn't pay their phone bill any more - they do!!

When young people live alone, or share an apartment with another single person, a land phone is not necessary since their cell phone is with them all the time. And if their roomie's phone rings, no one has to wonder who should answer the phone.

One thing I am bewildered by is how often I see married couples communicating with each other via Facebook. Hello? If you got off the computer, you could say it in person and it would be even nicer!!!

Clay, who is gradually coming to terms with the fact that I am an old fart.

On 10/21/2010 6:01 PM, dmt11h...@aol.com wrote:
In a message dated 10/21/2010 4:29:37 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time,
tat...@tat-man.net writes:

<<If I had an iPhone or iPod Touch I would LOVE IT!!!!   I would be all over
the place with it.  Couldn't wrench it out of my  hand.  But my pocketbook
the moment says NO.  And my   wife is grateful for that. :-D  She would have
a hard time grabbing my  attention LOL!!!>>
She could call you on the phone :-)
Actually, I am a hard wired girl, but among the young these days, they only
  have the Iphone. They do not get a hard wired phone at all. So, people are
  deciding it is the home phone they can do without. Neither my daughter or
her  boyfriend have a hard wired phone in their apartments. Instead they
have their  Iphones with them always. Since I am on a "family plan" with my
daughter, in  which the second phone only costs $10 more a month, the cost is
split over the  two phones. (Although I bear 100% of the cost, because that
is what mom's do.)  The only fly in the ointment is that she has to have an
additional monthly  texting plan. I am not sophisticated enough to understand
why, when you can send  an email on your phone, you also need to text,
unless it is to communicate with  people who don't have email on their phones.
Dare I dream that we could drop  this in the next contract negotiation?
Interestingly, my daughter usually calls me while she is walking from work
to her next destination. The phone allows her to take this otherwise
unproductive time and use it to keep in touch with Mom.

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