On 10/21/10 7:39 PM, "Clay Blackwell" <clayblackw...@comcast.net> wrote:
> One thing I am bewildered by is how often I see married couples
> communicating with each other via Facebook.  Hello?  If you got off the
> computer, you could say it in person and it would be even nicer!!!
> Clay, who is gradually coming to terms with the fact that I am an old fart.

I have seen teens and 20 year olds (who I know personally) standing beside
each other.....texting each other!  I know this because curiousity caught me
and I will go up to them and ask if they are texting each other.  "Yeah".  I
give them a blank stare of wonderment and shake my head.  A WHOLE other
social world out there!!!!

Mark, aka Tatman who can claim old fart status too!! :-D

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