My local Waitrose has refined this system to the point of perfection.  I like
to use the self scan handset because I know exactly what I've spent before I
get to the checkout and that is the ONLY reason I go through this torture when
I go shopping.
I go in, I put my card through the swipe machine and it shows
me a handset to scan the goods myself.  I try to take the handset and it jams
and locks it's self it.  I now can't swipe my card again and it won't let me
have the handset.  I go to customer service and they reset my id.
I go back
again with the nice man from customer service, he swipes my card and ... the
handset jams.  He is now really embarrashed and goes and clears my card
again.  He comes back and just hands me a handset from his desk.
I go round
the shop with my list and bags.  I scan products and I put them straight into
my bag and if there is an offer it beeps and me like a frustrated beepy thing
and gets upset because I don't want 56 packets of dog food to go with my cat
After about an hour, carefully going up each aisle in turn and
marking off my list and getting into fights with the other customers over the
last pie or dish cloth (they are civilised in Waitrose but can be vicous when
cornered those John Lewis women) I go to the checkout.
Because I am strange
and believe in paying cash I have to wait in line at the customer service
(rather than scan a finish bar code, hand over set and leave - it charges your
card).  After I have stood there about 20 minutes (thinking about my
defrosting icecream and frozen scallops) listening to people's weird things
they need help with they scan the final bar code and say 'just a minute while
I close your shopping and get your total' ... followed by the frown and the
fatal words, 'ah it's saying that you need to rescan to check your shopping'.
So, having carefull, scanned and packed my shopping in the bags I want it,
has to be taken out and rescanned and repacked.
Everytime it has come to
exactly the same total as I had it.
So ask from the bottom of my heart ...

Kind Regards

Liz Baker
My chronicle of my bobbins can be found at my website:

 From: Jean
Nathan <>
One supermarket uses the
first of the above or they have handsets which you use if you've registered a
credit or debit card. With that, you put your bags in the trolley, take the
goods off the shelves, scan them with the handset, put the goods in your bags
in an organised way and finalise at a separate checkout. You push the trolley
to your car and move the bags from the trolley to your car boot.

We used to
be served - now we serve ourselves. We always had the goods checked out - now
they want us to do it ourselves. How long before they start expecting us the
fill the shelves as well?


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