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On 2/1/12 2:33 AM, wrote:

I'm with Agnes: all shopping is a bore but I would add
bookshops to her list of non chore shopping/browsing.

If you want something specific -- say lace-up shoes --
shopping is acutely painful and usually futile.

Which is why I have only one pair of shoes, and I'm still
dancing around about having found them -- in a shoe-discount
store already, and it was the first pair of black oxfords I
saw!  I'm old enough to remember when you sat down, told the
shoe-store clerk what you wanted, he measured your feet,
went into the back of the store, and came out with three
pairs, at least one of which fit perfectly.) (I got my previous pair from a store which did have a fitter, but they give me corns and have a lot of empty space at the toe.)

I had a lovely day shopping for nothing yesterday.  I rode
my bike to the library to return a book, but as I was
approaching the railroad that runs past the library I
realized that I'd forgotten to bring the book, so I doubled
back to a place where I could cross the other railroad and
bought a spool of thread, inspecting lots of fabrics and
notions first.  One of these years I'm going to buy a growth
set of those flexible plastic thimbles.

Then I realized that I was crossing the street where the
used-book store is, but before I'd gotten warmed up -- their
entire basement is full of books -- I felt an urgent need to
continue to a place with public facilities.  Next stop was
the Mexican supermarket, where I bought a bag of
kitchen-style tortilla chips and three bags of tiny
roasted-in-the-shell peanuts, and learned that they shelve
lemon and lime juice with the sodas.  Through the new
roundabout to chili cheese fries, a tour of the gun shop
(the teeny derringer takes 22 long-rifle ammunition; the
little white dog that's afraid of bike helmets wasn't
there), a rather boring lap around a dollar store I probably
visit more often than those that are closer because I rarely
go out that way, so I don't skip it.  A long loop to a
discount grocery that has oddball stuff I never see again, a
lap through the pawn/musical-instrument shop, and home.

The pearl-handled pistol is cute and surprisingly
inexpensive, but if I had a gun in the house I'd need to
take a firearms-safety course, and if I ever fired it, it
would probably wreck my arthritic old hand.  (22 ammunition
doesn't have much kick, but that little thing has no mass to
speak of, and a tiny little handle.)  And I don't have a
license to carry, so bringing it home on a bike would be a
problem.  Not to mention that I hear surprisingly well for
my age, and I would like to keep it that way.

Joy Beeson
west of Fort Wayne, Indiana, U.S.A.

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