I'm usually a lurker, primarily because I'm usually so far behind on messages I've no idea what's current. Oh yeah, and I'm not a bobbin lacer.

But I will chime in on 'what I'm working on' which is the Daffodil Tea Cloth from Marianne Kinzel's Second Book of Modern Lace Knitting. I'm only on round 91 of 160-something. Phew, it'll be a while, I'm a slow knitter. How far I've gotten so far is pictured in the bottom link on my knitting page: http://www.uoguelph.ca/~hbogart/knit.html

I have aspirations of picking up my lace pillow again soon, but I've been saying that for a while now. :)

In terms of 'how long is lengthy', well I'm working on a cross stitch that's 8 years old now. I think it's my eldest UFO.

Take care and stay cool everyone (or warm on the other side of the world),

Heather in SW Ontario, Canada

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