On Wednesday, Aug 27, 2003, at 19:02 US/Eastern, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Devon) wrote:

I get a little confused though [...]
So, if there is no profit in the pattern, hypothetically, copying it doesn't
sound like it is hurting them. [...]

The reason you're getting confused is because you're trying to make *logical* sense of the whole thing, where there isn't any... :)

There are roughly 7,000 lacemakers in the English speaking
world. Probably 500 have the pattern. Probably 6,400 don't want it. [...]
Morally, I find the whole thing quite confusing. Mind you, I don't even want
a copy. My skills aren't up to it and I don't think it is all that pretty.

Yours, with you in the 6.4 thousand group who couldn't care less, except in theory; I liked the mat the first time I saw it, but not on second thought. There are patterns in existence which are both more challenging and prettier, and I have no intention of trying my hand at *those*, either :) I *might* buy the patern/book if it were available, legally, at a reasonable price, but then again I might not.

I think the mat has become some sort of status symbol among the English-speaking lacemakers, altogether out of proportion to its "value" (in terms of visual appeal, intricacy of of design, etc, etc). Well, I'm not "into" it, any more than I would be "into" wearing a Rolex or driving a Rolls just to show how big I was...
Tamara P Duvall
Lexington, Virginia, USA
Formerly of Warsaw, Poland

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