On Monday, Oct 20, 2003, at 19:10 US/Eastern, ann DURANT wrote:

And what Americans call an eraser, we in England call a rubber - which has
quite a different meaning in the USA, as I understand!

Indeed. And the lace-*chat* has been having great fun with the diffrerent, often "dirty", "wrinkles" which stem from the different perception of the same word/phrase at the two sides of the Atlantic.

Ordinarily, I'd have let it go; would have waited for Avital (our list Mom) to remind everyone which list is which... But Clay says that, due to my "changing season" (one b-day to the next) I'm allowed (indeed, *expected* <g>) to be full-blown bitchy today, on my 9x6 b-day, so here comes:

when you use sello-tape (scotch-tape, Durex, whatever) to affix your lace pattern to the cardboard -- it's *lace*; post your message here ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

when it's, strictly, a source of amusement because of different usage, share it on *chat* ([EMAIL PROTECTED]). You don't have to be subscribed to chat to be able to *post* there -- you just won't ever *see* it posted if you're not subscribed (not having seen *any* of my messages -- except via the archives -- for the past 3 months or more, I'm getting quite blithe/blazee about it <g>)

Bitchily yours,
Tamara P Duvall
Lexington, Virginia,  USA
Formerly of Warsaw, Poland

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