Hi All,  I almost put "Lights, Camera, Action" in the subject line in homage
to Tamara but I'll leave it at "Lights".  I got one for Christmas!
It's a floor lamp with a bendy part between the pole and the fixture.  It's
a "Happy Eyes" by Verilux.  It's fabulous for NL and it shows true color.
Now I just need to get it aligned right with my chair.  My eyes are much,
much happier!

DH also came home with a wonderful new toy.  It's a light that fits on your
head with a elastic around the head and one over the top.  There is a little
light thing and a piece that holds three AAA batteries (I think).  It has
three settings - one looks like normal light bulb light, one is bluish (true
color?) and the third is red (night vision?)  I can't find it and he's not
here so I can't give you the maker at the moment but it looks like something
I might borrow for the next class I take!  You can aim the light onto what
you are working on - very cool.

Jane in Vermont, USA

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