On Jan 1, 2004, at 21:52, Patty Dowden wrote:

What does a one-handed lacemaker do while waiting for their left thumb to heal from an "acute, severe joint inflammation?" Not much lace!

Ouch! *What* a way to start the new year... :( My "solution", however, would have been exactly the same as yours -- as long as it's not the *drawing* hand, not all is lost :) I wish you a speedy recovery, though; I've never been able to solve *all* the problems on paper alone; it's always a "tick-tock" between paper and pillow...

Typing, on the other hand is very, very s..l..o..w.

Doesn't affect the reading though, does it? We'll just have to write more, to help you get "over the hump" <VBG>

Tamara P Duvall
Lexington, Virginia,  USA
Formerly of Warsaw, Poland

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