Those of you on chat may not know, but Hannah and Amanda Moad have just lost
all their lace equipment in a house fire.   I asked if someone might be willing
to act as a collection point for replacing their equipment for them.

I've now received a personal message from Karen Sartain, who has trouble
posting because of the HTML issue.  Karen only lives a couple of hours away
from Hannah and Amanda.  She has given me her permission to give out her
address so that if any of you do have a contribution to make towards restoring
Hannah and Amanda's lace equipment, you can send it to her, and she'll make
sure they get it.

On the other hand, I do know that Jenny in Australia, did enjoy choosing some
of her own replacement equipment, and Tamara's suggestion of arranging a "gift
certificate" with a supplier for them is also a very good one.  

Personally, I'd suggest that if you go down that path, write to Karen anyway
and tell her which supplier and how much, so that the information can be passed
on to the girls.

Karen's address is:  305 Fox Chase, Arnold.  MO 63010   USA

I know that Jenny really appreciated all the support during a terrible time
last year, so how about we see if we can support these two in a similar way??

Regards, Ruth Budge (Sydney, Australia)

--- "Tamara P. Duvall" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > On Feb 7, 2004, at 0:58,
Ruth Budge wrote:
> > Is there an Arachnean who lives within a reasonable distance of Hannah 
> > and
> > Amanda who can act as an collection-agent like Noelene did after the 
> > Canberra
> > fires?   I'd like to think that we could help replace their lace 
> > equipment as
> > we did for Jenny last year.
> Too much puter twiddling for *my* two remaining brain cells...:)  What' 
> I've done (and others might chose the same route) is send a pledge of a 
> certain amount of money (sort of like "gift certificate"?) to a US lace 
> supplier, and the URL to the two "burn-outs" to pick what they need 
> within that amount.  I no longer have any *spare* lace equipment 
> going.. <g>
> -----
> Tamara P Duvall
> Lexington, Virginia,  USA
> Formerly of Warsaw, Poland
> -
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