Jacquie wrote: "And her remaining two or three lace pillows (Malvary and I keep
"borrowing" them) are on the top shelf to the right of the door, just above the 
some dating back to when we lived in Herne Bay pre 1961.   Oh what fun we'll have one

Mum did a lot of dressmaking for Ann Ladbury (older English Arachians might have heard
of her) and got lots of fabric at bargain prices - problem is many of them are 1960's
polyesters in 1960's colours!  When I was home in April I was given a LOVELY piece of
green with flowers to make a nightdress (that's hard to say with your tongue in your
cheek).  I think it would be a little warm for a nightie especially in our Ottawa
summers.  Mum also let me have a few scraps of material to dress my bear to take to the
Lace Convention.  There was much discussion as to whether I could have all three 
because she thought she might need one of them for something.  (The bear is about 5"
tall so you can imagine how small the pieces of fabric were!)

When mum was in hospital a few years ago Jacquie and I did sort out a few bits and
pieces - I "acquired" a couple of reels of cotton thread and a table cloth with an
ironed-on transfer all ready to embroider.  Not sure what Jacquie took.  Not a lot, but
a start on the big sort out that we will have to do one day.

I will be there again in September, so perhaps I'll be given something else, and I'll
probably be borrowing a lace pillow for the time I'm there as I'll be going to class
with Jacquie a couple of times and attending mum's lace group's meeting (it is the day
before her 90th birthday and they are hoping she will attend).

Jacquie - did you remember to measure mum's travelling pillow to see if my roller will
fit it?

Malvary in Ottawa where a storm was rumbling around the region all evening, but missed
my house.

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