Hi everyone and Eileen

I have a travel pillow like the one at the eBay link, made from
instructions that came from Australia via several lacemakers, drawn up or
designed by Ruth Binns (name typed at the end of the instructions). Do I
travel with it? Yes - it hangs over the shoulder neatly when walking,
and it can be tucked into luggage or car trunks - I don't travel by
plane so can't comment on that aspect. Do I make lace
with it? Sometimes - it requires a long space in front of the lacemaker.
You can see by the second picture at the link, where it is opened up - the
working part is facing the viewer - that is elastic, the black strip -
to hold the bobbins in place when not in use (I didn't bother with that
on mine). There is a pocket at the backmost 'flap' where one is to stash
the growing length of lace. I didn't bother with that either.

I did try travel bobbins with it, but they proved to be too light. I
learned the hard way that size of spangle and size of bobbin need not be
in proportion - my small spangles for small bobbins were far too light for
the thread and pattern and my work habits. Then when I put heavier
spangles on, discovered they slid around - so I use regular size
bobbins on this pillow - there isn't room for too many pairs, in any case.

This particular pillow takes up room for working - I would like to try a
smaller round pillow, 12 - 14 inches in diameter, and the travel bobbins,
which would not use as much pillow space as regular bobbins, and the setup
would require only a discreet space in front of the lacemaker.

bye for now
Bev in sunny Sooke BC (west coast of Canada)

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