As the first step in my resolve to always wear lace related art when  
hobnobbing with the denizens of the art world, I wore a wire lace pendant made  
Susan Lambiris to The Barnes Foundation yesterday. (The Barnes Foundation is  
example of how restrictions placed on a museum can ultimately lead to  its 
demise, but that is another thread.) Unfotunately everyone was looking at  the 
art there, rather than the art on me. Gallery openings are much better for  
flaunting lace art because they are actually parties where people have to make  
I am fortunate to have two lovely pendants, one made by Susan Lambiris and  
one made by Lenka. However, I was thinking about how others might be able to  
attire themselves for greatest public relations effect. While riding around  
today and noting the fact that almost every cause has a "ribbon" to symbolize  
it, ie. pink for breast cancer, red for AIDs, I had a moment of inspiration. We 
 could make ourselves lace strips and cross them over like ribbons to wear on 
our  lapels. The public has already been primed to receive messages 
symbolically  through ribbons, so people will be quick to ask us what our cause 
Then  we could hit them with the message, ie. "to increase public awareness of 
the  tragic undervaluation of handmade lace leaving many old pieces to go 
unmended  and new pieces unappreciated."
who is planning to go to two theatrical events next week in lace jewelry  and 
would be willing to go to a fancy restaurant first if someone wanted to  
sponsor it.

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