I have just been talking to a lacemaking friend, who has had a bad go with a reel of Finka - #60 I think. It has put her off ever using it again, but I suspect she may have a bad reel, as I have not had any problems.

I wonder if anyone else has had this problem :- One of the plys keeps breaking. If it is not noticed quickly, the strain on the thread breaks the other plys. She keeps having to cut bits out. It is, as you can imagine, driving her mad!
she thought maybe it had dried out, like linen thread does, so she laid a damp cloth over it, but that did not do any good.

Any thoughts and ideas would be appreciated, and I will pass them on to her, as she is reaching desperation point! she is doing a nice Beds handkie, and this is really spoiling both the lace and the pleasure of making it.

Regards from Liz in Melbourne, Oz

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