Insurance can be a very grey area when you try to value a piece of lace. It's worth what someone will pay for it and that's how insurance companies make their valuations.

In UK Lace Guild members can get insurance through the Guild. I'm not fully in touch with the current situation but I do know that a few years ago there were a couple of claims made for pieces that went missing during transport to/from exhibitions; different occasions, different makers but both superb examples of modern lace. The big problem was fixing the monetary value of the lost items. One of the owners claimed that it had taken her 2000+ hours to make (if I remember correctly) and expected her compensation to reflect that, the other person was more stoic about it and took the stance of 'Oh well if it's gone, then it's gone' and accepted a couple of hundred pounds (GBP).


On 3 Sep 2005, at 03:33, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

In a message dated 9/2/2005 8:20:39 PM Mountain Daylight Time,
is something to think about.  I think everyone would rest easier if the
contest entries were covered by insurance. Someone should be asking: "Does
have an insurance policy that would cover such an international trip for
valuable laces?"

That's a good point. Since I have worked with the insurance industry, though,
I think it might be difficult to establish suitable limits to cover the
items, coming as they will from an indeterminate number of various makers, each of
whom, no doubt, considers her/his entry as beyond replacement value, as
well....Jeri's point leads me to I wonder, does anyone know if something comparable has ever been addressed at former conventions, and, if so, how? It would be easier for each person who was concerned about potential loss to insure the entry individually, although less satisfactory, obviously, from the institutional
(and possibly financial) standpoint............


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